Why Blog Commenting Is Important? and what it's benefit?

Best SEO practices in Blog Post Comment can also be made quality backlink. However, if you comment on the link option does not appear many times, and if you add a link to the blog post comment, then the blogger removes it or does not allow links to appear in the code. But, there are several blogs where link approval is available. What is Blog Post Comment? What is a blog post comment? All bloggers are aware of this, but they do not know what is the right blog post comment? There are some comments on many posts of this blog which also insert the link in the comment text, due to which when the approve is done, the link gets removed. Like - Your post is very good here, all the things have been told correctly. Read this information to learn how to <a href="#"> learn how to create Google AdSense </a>. In the middle of the comment, he put his link. This does not make sense. The commentator is writing about your blog post or would like to give your link an...