How to Write Great Blog Introductions

What’s more intimidating than an angry Dwayne Johnson holding a baseball bat? A blank page. Scores of perfectly capable, talented writers have sat down with a fantastic idea for a blog, only to see their momentum come to a screeching halt when the time comes to write the introduction. What many people don’t realize is that many of the best writers follow formulas. By following a formula, you can take the angst out of writing your blog introduction, eliminating that roadblock and gaining the momentum you need to get your blog written. Some People also hire content marketing company . What is this formula? Read on. As someone who’s written and edited hundreds of blog posts for clients, I simply don’t have the time to be held back by blog introduction paralysis. And as a marketer, neither do you. So, because this isn’t a recipe blog, I’m going to get straight to the good stuff instead of making you read through a bunch of navel-gazing personal stories. Writing Grea...